Camper Girl!

Hey, all you fabulous people! I can’t come to the blog right now ’cause I’m Adirondacks-bound! That’s right, for three exciting days and two starry nights, I’ll be totally off the grid. Soaking in the beautiful scenery, hiking, camping,...

World Teachers’ Day!

It’s World Teachers’ Day! In honour of this day devoted to teachers, I want to quickly mention a few of the teachers who inspired me to enter the most rewarding profession in the world. First, Mrs. Robinson. No, not THAT Mrs. Robinson. The one I’m...

So you want to write a romance novel?

Well, you’re in luck! That is, of course, if you live in the Ottawa area. I’m participating in my first author panel! Check this out! Isn’t that the coolest?! And it’s posted in the library for all the readers and writers to see! πŸ™‚ I’ll...

Adventures in CT!

Connecticut…the state where there’s a gazebo in every town. Like, EVERY town. I stopped taking pictures after the fifth one I spotted. Now, you may be wondering what a Canuck like me was doing in a place like Connecticut. That’s an excellent question...

Get outta my dreams, get into my car!

Hey, hey! You, you! Get into myyyy car! πŸ˜€ Did you hear that I got a new car? Didja? Have I mentioned it enough yet? Well, my new baby and I have only been together for six days now, but I can’t imagine my life without him. Ladies and gents, I introduce you...

Julie can’t come to her blog right now….

Because she has laryngitis and she’s en route to Ottawa to renew her passport and buy more medicine and get an enormous cheque from the bank to pay for the new car she bought even though she doesn’t officially have a long-term teaching gig yet for the new...

MOAR Pics!

Hello, my friends! As promised, here are some of the pics from my many adventures during MOAR Tour, 2016! It was a much-needed retreat with my girlfriends that I’ll never forget. πŸ™‚ Upon landing in the great state of Missouri, I was picked up the Kranskys and...

I want MOAR!

Hey there, fabulous people! I’d love to stay and chat, but I’m currently en route to Missouri to begin my MOAR Tour! I’ll be spending the next four days with two of my best gal pals. One lives in Missouri, and the other in Arkansas, hence the MOAR...

From Muskoka to Ottawa!

Back in 2007, as a ripe young graduate fresh from her first university degree, I worked as a Recreation Manager at Rocky Crest Resort in Muskoka, Ontario (a.k.a. cottage country). That was also the year I gave birth to the kidney stone that ate Tokyo, but that’s...

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