Hello there, my friends! Happy Sunday! It’s release week for me, and I’m equal parts thrilled and terrified! But while I sort out my feelings over here, I’ll give you another snippet from Learning to Love for your entertainment!

Rebecca tucked her bag of pies by her side, then surveyed her surroundings in greater detail. She smoothed her palms against the purple and gold silk draped over the table. An assortment of tarot cards lay scattered across its surface. Curiosity got the better of her, and she reached for the card nearest her, studying the vibrant blue swirls that spiraled into a wide-open blue eye in the middle. Cool . . . in a creepy sort of way. Okay, why was the eye staring at her? Or did it just look like it was staring at her because it had nothing else to stare at?

Before she could flip the card over and discover what lay hidden on the other side, it was gone, plucked from her hand and replaced with a far less exciting bottle of water.

“Don’t touch the tarot cards, dear. They might bite.”

***End of WWW post, but carry on to finish this sequence.***

Rebecca blinked. “Uh . . .”

The older woman guffawed as she swept the remaining cards into a box, then sat in the seat opposite Rebecca’s. “You’re not a believer, are you?”

“Well, I mean, I . . . no. Not exactly.” She shrugged, feeling as though confessing such a thing was sacrilege in Towanda’s purple tent.

“Nobody’s perfect,” Towanda shot back with a playful wink. “Come see me again, and I’ll do a proper tarot reading. But right now, I want your palms.” Resting her elbows on the table, she held out her own palms and gestured for Rebecca to place hers on top.

She complied, then audibly gasped at the strength of the other woman’s grip. Towanda closed her eyes and pressed her lips together in concentration, but her steady grip never lessened. Soon, a soft hum filled the silence. Despite the hubbub of activity outside, nothing—no noise of any kind—seemed to permeate through the tent fabric, almost as if there were some sort of invisible soundproof barrier surrounding it.

Towanda’s thumbs swiped over Rebecca’s palms. Then a second time. A smile lit her face, and her still-shut eyes crinkled in the corners. “Turn off your thoughts,” she whispered. “Open your mind to the here and now.”

Here’s the blurb:

Rebecca Ledgerwood is a physical education teacher who’s ready to invest some sweat equity into a lasting romance. William Whitney is a man who’s turned his life upside down in pursuit of making a difference.

The students at Kendal High School face challenges prep school educated Will could never imagine, but his beautiful coworker Rebecca has known firsthand. Though the chemistry between them is strong, they come from vastly different backgrounds.

Rebecca is surprised to discover she and Will have more in common than she realizes. But just when she learns to trust him, Will is faced with the biggest challenge of his life. With their hearts on the line, can Will prove to Rebecca that he’s learned how to love?

Thanks so much for stopping by and be sure to visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors!

Learning to Love will be OUT THERE IN THE WORLD on December 3rd, and it’s available for preorder now! May the week ahead be filled with beautiful things for all of us! Cheers, my friends! See you next week! 🙂



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