This is the blog I meant to post over the holidays, but, alas, I was stuck in the land without internet. Dad’s completely cut the cord. He only really ever used the ‘net’ for his online banking needs, and to check the lottery numbers. At first I was like, “WHYYYYY? HOW? BUT I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT IT AND SO I CAN NEVER COME HOME AGAIN UNTIL YOU GIVE ME MY INTERNETS BACK!”

But then something magical happened. I realized I COULD live without it. *GASP* And Dad and I spent so much more time together, talking and laughing, watching old Carol Burnett classics from my DVD collection. We went out places, played games, I wrote and Dad helped me brainstorm, we ate lots and lots of chocolate-covered almonds, and we just spent time relaxing together and talking and…being. It was wonderful. πŸ™‚

I’ll be honest. I had been dreading the holidays a bit, knowing how hard it would be to celebrate without Mom. The decorations were lacking, we didn’t have certain traditions, like opening a new pair of PJs on Christmas Eve, or enjoying Mom’s homemade fudge and chocolate bark, but I made darn sure we had our hot chocolate with loads of marshmallows and whipped cream on Christmas morning. We spent time with family–SO much time–because we know that’s what Mom would have wanted. Dad made his special turnip, my sis-in-law did her best to recreate Mom’s famous stuffing, we had turkey and all the trimmings…And, most importantly, we had each other. Togetherness.

Here are some pics!

The fam-jam!

The Royals!

Me and Grams πŸ™‚

Me and Daddy πŸ™‚

Poor Prince Charlie. He hardly got any toys this year. πŸ˜›

Charlie thought the piano stool was a toilet and started taking his pants off…and so naturally, being the sweetest aunt that I am, I captured a picture. πŸ˜€

Last but not least, the food! You know I had to sneak a food pic in there. We had food for DAYS, yo.

Thanks for reading! Here’s hoping 2017 is wonderful for all of you! πŸ™‚

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