Hello, all you beautiful people! Thanks again for joining me this week! I’m writing this post Sunday night – the one that’s already happened, not the one in the future. I’m not THAT talented. Why so early, you ask? Because tomorrow, Monday (the day that happened two days ago for you), I’m headed to a cottage for a few days with a couple of my teacher pals. We’re going completely off the grid, baby! No cell service, no internet. Just three girls, a ton of food, a ton and a half of gossip, and glorious, glorious nature. Oh, the fun we’ll have!

Maybe as you’re reading this I’m swimming in the lake. Or perhaps we’ve gone canoeing or hiking or portaging. Who really knows? The point is, I made a promise last week that I’d be posting every Wednesday, and here I am, as promised…even though I’m not technically here.

Anywho, I’ll keep this one short and sweet! It’s no secret with those closest to me (and most strangers) that I’m a loud and proud karaoke-er. And, to be perfectly honest, I’m not always good at sharing the mic. “You can pry it out of my cold, dead fingers!” is something I may or may not have said (verbatim) at a karaoke bar. Um. Yeah, so I’ve decided to share my top five go-to karaoke songs, just in case we should find ourselves together at a karaoke bar…or even at my house because I have my own professional-grade karaoke machine named K-OS the second and over 600 songs in my library. Truth, yo.

Here they are, in sorta particular order!

  1. Bette Davis Eyes by Kim Carnes – I have sung this song in far too many karaoke bars to count. Definitely my numero uno. There are many reasons why I love this song, but one of the tops is the clapping-like sound effects that start during verse two. The crowd really gets into it.
  2. Walking on Broken Glass by Annie Lennox – I worship the ground Queen Lennox walks upon. My favourite part of the song is the bridge because I pretend I’m hitting the falsetto as hard as Annie.
  3. Black Horse and the Cherry Tree by KT Tunstall – Believe it or not, I’ve only recently added this song to my rotation, but I can seriously rock out on it and it’s just a freaking great song!
  4. Take My Breath Away by Berlin – Is a reason really necessary? The feels, people. It gives me the feels. Also, I prefer to wear leather whilst singing this song.
  5. Chiquitita by ABBA – But, honestly? Anything by ABBA would suffice. I ADORE ABBA. Seriously. I’ve loved them for the majority of my life, and I have my grandfather to thank for introducing me to my beloved Swedes.

So that about does it! How about you? Do you karaoke in public, or are you a closet karaoke-er? What are the top five songs you’d choose to sing in front of a room of strangers if you HAD to. Like, if it was life or death. I would hope you’d want to, but…alas. Hey, have a wonderful day, eh? And thanks for stopping by! Hope to see ya next week when I’ll actually be here! πŸ˜€ xo

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