I’m starting an additional qualifications science course today. Yay? Yeah, so I’m not overly excited about it. First, it’s really hard being a student when you’re so used to being in ‘teacher mode,’ and then there’s the whole having to study thing, which…blech. I never particularly enjoyed that. And this is a SCIENCE course. I was the girl who skipped science class when I was in high school. And math. And history. And geography….

What? *whistles* I wasn’t a perfect student, okay? But I freakin’ rocked phys. ed. class, and drama, and music. Thankfully my marks in those courses were enough to scoot me through to Brock University where I finally hit my stride…during my second degree. πŸ˜€ I didn’t get into my first choice program, which was Physical Education, because I didn’t have the marks for it. Life lessons, yo. I was enrolled instead in Recreation and Leisure Studies. At the time I thought a degree in that field would open up many more opportunities for me. That was true, at least initially, but they weren’t well-paying jobs, and much of the work was seasonal. I wasn’t climbing any ladders. I wasn’t gaining any traction. And, to be completely honest, I didn’t really love what I was doing.

After a lot of soul-searching and heart-to-hearts with my parents and close friends, I decided to go back to Brock University at the age of 27. This time, I was enrolled in the Physical Education program. I was able to use several of my previous credits to put towards the completion of this degree, and I ended up finishing the 4-year program in 2.5 years. I also achieved the BEST marks of my entire life, and I knew in my heart it was because I was in the right major, taking the right courses, chasing the dream I’d had since I was twelve.

Those stellar marks got me accepted into all four teachers colleges I applied to, and I ended up choosing Brock, my home away from home. I earned my Bachelor of Ed., and approximately five months later, I was actually LIVING my dream. I was a Physical Education teacher in the Ottawa/Carleton District School Board. But being a teacher, believe it or not, means constantly learning and growing, educating and re-educating yourself. I now have the qualifications to teach Dramatic Arts, Special Education, English as a Second Language, and TODAY, officially, I begin my Science additional qualifications course.


I really hope by the end of it, that I’ll love science, or at least have an appreciation for it. I DO love certain aspects of science. I’m a super-geek about outer space and the solar system. I’m crazy about ecology and the study of animals. And learning about the environment and understanding our role in the future of our planet…that’s kind of an obligation at this point. But the other stuff–the chemistry and biology and physics–I’m gonna need someone to sedate me for those.

I’m trying to have a positive attitude about it, though! So here goes…SCIENCE RULES!

*faints* Wish me luck. πŸ˜€

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