Hello, my friends! I celebrated my 34th birthday yesterday. I know, you’re all thinking I don’t look a day over 25. It’s true, and thank you. πŸ˜‰ I couldn’t help but think of my mom. Last year, my birthday celebration was the last time we were all together as a family, and I remember we had such a wonderful day/night. We stopped in to visit my grandparents (Mom’s parents) and had some snacks with them, then we continued the festivities at The Royal Palace. We ordered pizza, ate all kinds of goodies, including the delicious cookie cake Mom made for the occasion, and we played a new board game the Royals gave to me. I won, of course. Charlie was adorable. We laughed and laughed. It was a day I will never, ever forget.

I stayed at my parents’ house that night, and Mom and I slept together–something we often did when I was home just so we could gab and giggle the night away. The next afternoon (Sunday), I headed back to Ottawa. I had every intention of leaving earlier, but Mom made me the hugest French toast breakfast, and I had to nap for two hours in my food coma. About twenty minutes after I left, I realized that I forgot my leftover birthday cake at home. I called Mom and she laughed and told me to turn around and come back. She said I could drive to Ottawa early the next day. But I said, “No, you guys enjoy it for me. I’ll see you again soon.”

The next morning, my dear, sweet, beautiful mother was gone. Taken away from us way too soon. But I am so grateful we had that time together. It was like God’s blessing to us.

I think about her all the time. How lucky I was to have such an incredible mother. How much she gave to me and continues to give to me. All I have to do is ask, and she’ll visit me in my dreams. She will always be with me.

On February 8th, it’ll be a year since she passed away, so all the family on Mom’s side is getting together this weekend to celebrate her life. Its gonna be hard, just like all the other firsts were, but we’ll get through it. I know Mom will help us to keep going.

And this emo post is brought to you by the letter C. Thanks for reading and listening, folks. Love to all!



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