Yo, Halloween, ‘sup? I’m ready for you! Well, not really. But I totally know what I’m gonna BE! Or who, rather. That’s half the battle, right? Now all I need to do is hope I can scrounge up an outfit in time for the Halloween Karaoke Extravaganza I’m attending on Saturday!

Last year, I went to the same party and knocked everyone’s socks off with my Sandy Olsson costume. I was ‘bad’ Sandy with the leather and the tight pants and the at-ti-tude. Oh, lookie here, I have a couple pics!


Just missing the cigarette.


Tell me about it, Stud!

My Danny is no longer in the picture, quite literally, so I’m flying solo this year. And I’m gonna be…*insert sound of a drum roll*…Miley Cyrus! And not just ANY Miley Cyrus. THE VOICE Miley Cyrus:

377af8d500000578-3752483-image-m-39_1471851393284 miley-cyrus-and-adam-levine-feuding-on-the-voice-ftr

How fun is this outfit?! Thanks to Mags for inspiring me with the idea, and thanks in advance to the Dollar Store for supplying the flowers I’ll be decorating my jean ensemble with. So I’ve essentially got everything I need, minus the flowers, the jean jacket, the blonde wig, and Adam Levine. πŸ˜€ The wig I used for Sandy is a bit too short, but I might be able to work with it if need be. In the meantime, think good artsy and crafty thoughts for me, ‘kay?

What about you? Who, or what, are you gonna be for Halloween? If you’re not dressing up, tell me your favourite Halloween candy! Stay tuned for pics next week, my little ghouls and goblins! πŸ™‚

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