Heya! How’s everybody doing? It’s Family Day weekend in Canada, so I’ll be writing and relaxing as much as I can. Oh, and I should probably pack a little too. I’m moving soon! šŸ˜€

In today’s snippet from Season of Love, we switch the POV to Amy, my heroine. Hope you enjoy!

Continuing from where we left off…

Amy Campbell rolled her motherā€™s car to a stop in front of Newtonville Hall and shifted into park. There were tons of other vehicles in the lotā€”much more than usual for a Bingo night. She turned to face her suspiciously quiet passenger. ā€œIs George Clooney pulling the balls tonight or something?ā€

A nervous laugh escaped her motherā€™s throat. ā€œI wish,ā€ she murmured. ā€œGuess everyone wants to win big before the holidays.ā€ She reached for the door handle, then hesitated. ā€œUm, why donā€™t you come in for a minute, sweetheart? Iā€™m sure the other ladies would love to see you before you head off to the city.ā€

***End of WWW post, but hereā€™s a bit more!***

Amy had already spent half a day in her motherā€™s company. Not that she was complaining, but chauffeuring her from store to store to buy gifts for undeserving people, like her selfish brother and his mystery fiancĆ©e who were somewhere across the world climbing mountains together, wasnā€™t exactly her idea of quality bonding time. ā€œIā€™m pretty beat, Mom. Iā€™ve got a bunch of emails to respond to, and I need to start packing. Just text me when youā€™re ready to leave and Iā€™ll swing by and say hello then.ā€

Still, her mother wouldnā€™t budge. Sandra Campbell may have been a top-tier Bingo player, but her poker face was crap. ā€œYou need to come inside. Please.ā€

Thanks so much for stopping by and be sure to visit the otherĀ Weekend Writing Warriors!

I’m mean for leaving it there, aren’t I? I promise more next week. šŸ™‚

My moving day is fast-approaching. So much to do, so little time to do it. But, like the good little procrastinator that I am, I will manage to get it all done. Wishing us all a productive week ahead! Be safe and well, my friends! xo


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