Heyyyyy, my peeps! As promised, I’m here to share some pics from the Musically Macabre Halloween Hootenanny I attended on Saturday. It was a BLAST AND A HALF! We kicked things off at Adam and Roxy’s place, some teacher pals who throw the absolute BEST parties. I met a ton of celebrities while I was there.

But first, here’s one of me because I’m Miley Cyrus and I’m awesome.


Three hours (and several thumb pricks) later, this costume was born. Safety pins aren’t THAT safe, y’all. I’m gonna talk like Miley ’cause I’m Miley.

Johnny Cash was there! He agreed to pose with me like Adam Levine did in our promo shots on The Voice.


The ghost of Amy Winehouse was there!


She was all, “Don’t even try to make me go to rehab!” And I was all, “Just look at the flowers, Amy. Focus on the peace and love.” We were both a little tipsy.

The Egg Man AND The Walrus was there! He’s also a gigolo in his spare time.


My biggest fangirl moment happened when I met Bjork!


I told her I’ve always wanted to visit Iceland to tour the Phallological Museum. Bjork said, “I’m a fountain of blood in the shape of a girl.” She’s so deep, y’all.

Once we were good and ready (and slightly sloshed), we made our way down the street to the Conroy Pub for karaoke! Everyone there was pretty stunned to see so many celebs walk in. I got an especially warm welcome from the ‘rokee people. They loved my ensemble. In fact, I even won best costume! I’ve never won best costume before! My prize was a super-fantastic beer mug stuffed with a green Conroy Pub t-shirt and all kinds of Halloween candy. Score!


I’d like to thank the Academy, my momma, my daddy, God, silk flowers….

We all closed down the bar, singing our hearts out till 3 a.m., and when that wasn’t enough, we went back to Adam and Roxy’s place for board games and bingeing on Halloween candy. What a magical night, y’all! Hope you enjoyed the recap in pics. I won’t be surprised if you want to spend your next Halloween hangin’ with yours truly. πŸ˜‰

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