Happy Sunday, my peeps! Hope you’re all doing well. We’re now less than three weeks away from the release date for Learning to Love, so let’s carry on with another new snippet! And btw, this one involves pie again, but Addie was kind enough to bring some for everyone. 😉

Continuing from where we left off…

“Oh,” Addie said, chuckling. “Well, I’m honored you chose to cheat with my pies.” She passed her the bag, then pocketed the bills Rebecca handed over in exchange.

“I’ll have to spend a few extra hours in the gym this week, but it’s worth it.” Rebecca could feel the other woman’s eyes on her, sizing her up. Every woman did it, even the nice ones like Addie. Sometimes without realizing it. They’d say with a look—a raised eyebrow or a twist of their mouth—that she could stand to skip a week or ten of gym sessions. She could, maybe, but she wouldn’t. Strength, to her, was more than muscle mass.

***End of WWW post, but carry on to finish this sequence.***

Strength meant she had power over her life and control over the choices she made. There was no way in hell she’d go back to being that scrawny kid in high school who never knew when her next meal would be.

Realizing their conversation had run its course, Rebecca held up her prize package of pies, shot the baker a friendly smile, and hurried away in a half-sprint.

“Enjoy!” Addie called after her.

Oh, she would. She couldn’t wait to get home and sink her teeth into one of them. But home was a good five minutes away. There was no reason why she couldn’t sample one sooner, give herself a little energy boost. Decelerating but still moving forward, she shook open the bag and peered inside to find the biggest, flakiest . . . Whoa!

Her foot caught on something, and she fell face-first into a deep purple sea. Scrambling onto all fours, she checked to see what got her. A tent guy line. How could she not see a purple tent set up right in front of her? Well, when one had an eye on pie . . . Panic surged as she realized the bag wasn’t in her hand.

Here’s the blurb:

Rebecca Ledgerwood is a physical education teacher who’s ready to invest some sweat equity into a lasting romance. William Whitney is a man who’s turned his life upside down in pursuit of making a difference.

The students at Kendal High School face challenges prep school educated Will could never imagine, but his beautiful coworker Rebecca has known firsthand. Though the chemistry between them is strong, they come from vastly different backgrounds.

Rebecca is surprised to discover she and Will have more in common than she realizes. But just when she learns to trust him, Will is faced with the biggest challenge of his life. With their hearts on the line, can Will prove to Rebecca that he’s learned how to love?

Thanks so much for stopping by and be sure to visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors!

On Friday, I finished teaching my first “quadmester” of this school year. I was teaching both in-person and remotely, two classes, four hours per day with the same students, switching back and forth every week. Needless to say, it’s been a journey and a half. Quad two starts tomorrow, and I’ll have a little more breathing room this time around since I’m only teaching one class and supporting remote learners. That’ll give me extra time to plan for the big release! Enjoy the week ahead, my friends, and I’ll see you next Sunday! 🙂

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